Our first day was a huge success as we all made it safely, with no delays and everyone has all their luggage! Our team has done a fantastic job so far. Not many people would handle such a long day of travel’s typical “hurry up and wait” nature, but these students and adults did so with ease. They also have had fantastic attitudes all day long which has been quite a feet considering most everyone has basically been up since around 2 am (most got some naps during our travels, but still). On a positive note, upon reaching our home base I was pleased to see that the temperature here in San Jose was 77 F and felt like 82, but in the CLE it was 95 and felt like 106! So, we have that going for us. 😊
Tomorrow, we’ll be attending worship at a local church that is home to a couple of the Adventures in Missions (AIM) team members who live here in Costa Rica. We got a quick orientation on the proper way to greet folks here in Costa Rica, as well as some other key considerations that we need to be aware of because of the different culture here in this beautiful country. We’ll also be finalizing our schedule for Monday and some other things for the week.
Thank you to all who have been sharing out updates on Facebook, and for the dozens + who have told us they are praying for us. We’ll need it. There is much to do here as this new base for AIM. Lots of new road to help them start and strengthen. I’m excited to share how the Lord works in and through this amazing team this week!
Time to sign off. It’s just after 8:30 pm here (we’re two hours behind Cleveland). I need to post this and get some much needed sleep!
Because of Christ,

Continued prayers for the team.