Come check out the action!

We are only halfway through the morning and so far it’s been quite a busy day. The temperature is supposed to rise this afternoon, so we are trying to get the outdoor work done first. We have indoor work projects planned for part of the afternoon.  The whole group has been working hard… many have learned new skills, although we make no guarantee that they are transferable once we return home 🙂 Thank you for your prayers and support!

Day 2 … work projects begin!

We had quite a productive day here in Indianapolis! Work projects included mowing and weed eating; scraping,  caulking, and painting the entry way; picking up trash; dusting and cleaning the bleachers; mopping the gym; and trimming shrubs, weeding, and clearing brush. We also had one team make a quick store run – we needed some tools and equipment for more work projects we have planned, and it also takes a lot of food to feed a group of hardworking teenagers!  We bought several card and board games that our team has been playing during free time, we also plan to leave all of the games here for KIDS Inc. to continue utilizing throughout the years to come as they continue building relationships and working with teens and families in Indianapolis.  We are looking forward to a full week of continued service and spiritual growth!

Day 1!

We have had a busy day full of driving then eating, eating then driving, and, most importantly, preparing for the week ahead. We had an awesome opportunity to hear from Jake Medlong, the director of KIDS Inc. this evening. He shared some personal stories of life change he was witnessed while working woth KIDS Inc, and challenged our group to be focused on God and on service.  If you ask Jake, he will tell you “people grow when they serve,” and we hope to fulfill that statement while were are here in Indianapolis.  We would ask that you pray for restful sleep tonight and willing attitudes and cooperative weather tomorrow. We are winding down with some group game time this evening and we have several work projects planned for tommorow. We are excited to see what God will do in and through our group this week. Thank you for your prayers and support!

And we’re off!

We were loaded and on the road at 9AM!  We are now south of Columbus for a lunch break, and plan to arrive in Indianapolis between 3:30-4:00PM this afternoon.  We will let eveyone know once we have arrived safely. Thank you for your prayers! 

2016-07-05 Summer Camp Day 3

It was a gorgeous day here at Schroon Lake, NY. Along with the sunshine came our students – eager for fun. As you can see below, they found it.
Our theme this year has us exploring our identity in Christ. Tonight our students at the island were challenged from John 8 to understand more deeply Christ’s love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness. We’re loved and forgiven when we receive Christ. This is a power truth that our youth need to know, understand, and rest in.
It’s my prayer that we all find our true identity not in our past, not in or sin and failures, but in the rich and deep forgiveness and love that only Christ can offer.
Please continue to pray for our students as they are challenged throughout the week to love Christ and follow Him more faithfully.

2015-07-06 OneEightyOne Update – Summer Camp Day 2

The students are having a blast – and have enjoyed the beach, meeting new friends, and participating in all kinds of crazy games and contests. See for yourself.

At the Ranch:

And at the Island:

Summer Camp

I just found out that the Island’s sessions are streaming live at check it out and let me know how it works.