Posted on Oct 12, 2016 in Newsletter, Pastor to Parent, Youth Ministry | Tags: 181 Update
This past weekend our student leaders (SLAM Team) partnered with our Children’s Ministry to help run their annual Camp out at Stony Glen. It was an amazing weekend – partially because of the weather and the number of kids we had. But largely due to the fantastic help and hard work from our students. They did an amazing job. And the icing on the cake was that at least 4 kids trusted Christ for salvation this weekend!
Posted on Sep 14, 2016 in Newsletter, Pastor to Parent | Tags: 181 Update
I so enjoy the love and energy that our students have for Jesus and for each other. It’s apparent each time we’re together. Let me encourage you to challenge your students to be inviting their friends to our programs and activities. This loving group is a great place for their friends to connect and learn about the love of Christ.
As many of you know we’re working to bring greater clarity and emphasis to our two programs, making both our Jr. High and Sr. High ministries more effective. This will be most evident on Wednesday evenings. In order to make this happen, we’re working to build a second Youth Worship Band. If your student is interested in participating, please have them complete an application and schedule an audition.
Posted on Jul 5, 2016 in General, Newsletter, Summer Camp, Youth Ministry |
It was a gorgeous day here at Schroon Lake, NY. Along with the sunshine came our students – eager for fun. As you can see below, they found it.
Our theme this year has us exploring our identity in Christ. Tonight our students at the island were challenged from John 8 to understand more deeply Christ’s love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness. We’re loved and forgiven when we receive Christ. This is a power truth that our youth need to know, understand, and rest in.
It’s my prayer that we all find our true identity not in our past, not in or sin and failures, but in the rich and deep forgiveness and love that only Christ can offer.
Please continue to pray for our students as they are challenged throughout the week to love Christ and follow Him more faithfully.