You Had Me at “All Night”!
Attention ALL Junior AND Senior High students!
For one night, and one night only (at least until the next all-nighter), we will be gathering for food, fun and games!
Also, someone is going to die… (Not literally, of course. It’s just pretend.) Because our Annual Intern Lock-in is:
Join us on Friday June 8th at 10:30pm to 7:00am Saturday morning here at the church for an entire night of time together with your youth ministry! Meet your summer interns, eat copious amount of food, and play games until your brain explodes!
Can your team be the first to figure out who did it?!?
7 Up Party on June 2nd @ 6pm
Hello Upcoming 7th Graders and Parents!
It’s that time, ready or not! We’re welcoming our upcoming 7th graders as they officially join the OneEightOne Youth Ministry on Sunday, June 3rd. In order to continue to aid in a smooth transition, we are having a party in your honor! On Saturday, June 2nd from 6pm-8:30pm in the Cross of Hope Pavilion, we will be rolling out the welcome wagon just for the upcoming 7th graders and their parents! We’ll have dinner, games and activities, and we’ll be giving an overview of our student ministry.
Please be sure to RSVP at the youth website HERE by Friday, June 2nd! We are so excited to have you join the Jr. High youth group!
Meet our Summer Interns!

Hey there! My name is Kayla O’Neill and I am a 21 year old Ministry Student at Moody Bible Institute. I am now a Junior as I study for my Bachelor of Arts in Ministry Leadership with a focus on Family and Children Ministries. The Lord has captured my heart and I wish to serve Him and help others find and follow Jesus Christ as I continue in my journey. Right now, that means that I am your summer intern and I am thrilled to be here and serve. Also, just a little bit about me, I love hiking/being outside, using my hammock, taking pictures, baking, puns, and I am learning to play the piano! I am so excited to work with the children and youth of PHBC and I am getting more excited by the minute as I plan and prepare for the summer events!
No Youth Group Tonight, but…

As a reminder, there is no IMPACT Night tonight, or the rest of the summer, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t opportunities for service, fellowship, and fun!
Our Next work day is Saturday, May 19th, 8 am – 4 pm. We need all hands on deck as we close in on finishing up our youth center renovation. If you cannot come for the whole time, come for as long as you can! Students and parents are invited! Lunch will be served!
Indy Mission Team Training/Work Day on Saturday, June 2nd from 9 am – 1:30 pm. We’ll be helping our children’s ministry by prepping for the Kids Day Out while training for the type of work we will be doing in Indianapolis. More details will be provided at our next training.
7-Up Party, June 2nd 6 pm – 8:30 pm. Upcoming 7th graders and their parents are invited to join us for a party in your honor! We’ll have dinner, games, and a ministry overview for our new members!
Graduation Sunday, June 3rd. We will be taking some time to honor our graduating seniors during Sunday school and will be celebrating with both High School and College Graduates from our congregation during the 11 am service.
Intern Lock-In, June 8th 10:30 pm – 9th 8:00 am. Join us for food, games, and fellowship all night long. A great opportunity to get to know our summer interns and to connect with the ministry!
Youth Outing – Water Games, June 13th. We will meet at the church to have a blast playing games and getting drenched!
Remember to check the OneEightyOne website regularly for more details and new events throughout the summer!
See you there!
Get Air Junior High outing!
Calling all 6th-8th graders!
Don’t forget to register for our trip to Get Air in Middleburg Heights this Saturday from 1-4! The Cost is only $25. You must register HERE by tomorrow at 4 pm to insure a ride and the advantage of the group rate! It will be a blast!
See you there!
Growth Group Night!
Growth Group Night!
Come join us for the last IMPACT night of the school year as we finish up by spending time together with our Growth Groups for the evening! Here’s what we’ll be doing:
- The Jr. High guys will be going to Cici’s Pizza for a casual dinner and chill time. $10 will more than cover your dinner and drink. They are leaving the church at 7:00 pm and will return by 8:30 pm for pick up.
- The Jr. High girls will be going to Ashley T.’s apparent for food, fellowship, and games. Cost is $3 and you need to bring your favorite ice cream topping! They are leaving the church at 6:00 pm and will return by 8:30 pm for pick up.
- The Sr. High guys in David and John’s group will be meeting in their break out room for snacks and to play games. No money needed. They will start at 6:00 pm and end by 8:30 pm.
- The Sr. High guys in Adam and PD’s group will be working at the Ridgewood house then walking over to a restaurant for dinner. Bring money for dinner. They will begin the work project at 6:00 pm and will be back at the church by 8:30 pm.
- The Sr. High girls in Staci’s group will be meeting in the Garden by the glass walkway to work on a project for Mother’s day! No money is needed. The project will begin at 6:00 pm and end by 8:30 pm. Feel free to come early to hang out beforehand.
- The Sr. High girls in Grace and Jessica’s group, because of illness, will be hanging out at the church and will reschedule their previous plans for another day.