2013-09-11 OneEightyOne Update

2013-09-04 OneEightyOne Update
Welcome back! This evening we resumed IMPACT Night and Youth Group on Wednesday evenings – it was exciting to be back together again. If you’re still looking to see where you might connect, checkout this link for a listing of classes that might IMPACT you, or community outreaches where you can make an IMPACT.
These blog posts are intended to keep you up-to-date on everything happening in our OneEightyOne Student Ministries. Each week you’ll receive important info on upcoming events, pictures and highlights from recent activities, summaries of our lessons, and ways to engage your student in how they’re growing in Christ.
Before you go any further, please subscribe in the “Follow Blog Via Email” link on the right to get this blog automatically emailed to regularly.
2013-08-23 OneEightyOne Update
Well, a new school year is underway, which means we’re ready to kick off another fantastic year of youth ministry! I’m excited for what God has in store for us…
2013-07-06 Summer Camp Day 7
We’re home safe and sound. You can see highlights of our week from the links below.
2013-07-05 Summer Camp Day 6
Parents: Depending on traffic and when the teens get off the island, we plan to be back at the church as early as 7:30. We will call when we have a better idea. Teens are expected to help unpack and clean the van before they leave.
Our week of summer camp is coming to an end. We’ve been blessed with safety, health, fun, and amazing connections with friends and God!
I encourage you to chat with our teens when they get back. Ask them what God taught them, and what kind of decisions and commitments they made. I think you’ll be encouraged at what God is doing in their lives.
Please pray for safety as we travel home tomorrow. Thanks for sending your teens to this amazing week at camp. I pray for lasting effects in their lives.
Instead of embedding pictures, here are a few links to get pictures and video from the week.
2013-07-04 Summer Camp Day 5
God gave us a beautiful day to enjoy camp and our nation’s birthday. The day was filled with contests and activities, as usual. The Bible hours were powerful and challenging. God is truly blessing us here.
One of the highlights of the day was seeing Schroon Lake celebrate Independence Day. Throughout the day the lake filled up with boats. The town had a parade, and just after dusk, they put on a beautiful fireworks display over the lake that we all could see from the island – a special treat for sure.
Another highlight for me was devotions at the end of the evening. The counselors are doing a great job on engaging our teens on spiritual matters and challenging them for Christ. But tonight I got to lead devotions with both the boys and the girls together. It was exciting to hear them share about the decisions and commitments they’re making for Christ.
Here are a few pictures from our day. You can see the rest of the album at https://www.oneeightyone.org/PicsVids/Pictures/tabid/44/AlbumID/517-97/Default.aspx.